Preliminary Reports
International Ocean Discovery Program
ISSN: 2372-9562
Implemented by the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO)
- Expedition 402: Tyrrhenian Continent–Ocean Transition: Tyrrhenian Magmatism and Mantle Exhumation (TIME) (pub. January 2025)
- Expedition 403: Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive (pub. September 2024)
- Expedition 395: Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Mantle Dynamics, Paleoceanography and Climate Evolution in the North Atlantic Ocean (pub. May 2024)
- Expedition 401: Mediterranean–Atlantic Gateway Exchange (pub. April 2024)
- Expedition 399: Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif (pub. March 2024)
- Expedition 400: NW Greenland Glaciated Margin (pub. January 2024)
- Expedition 398: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field (pub. January 2024)
- Expedition 397: Iberian Margin Paleoclimate (pub. February 2023)
- Expedition 393: South Atlantic Transect 2 (pub. January 2023)
- Expedition 397T: Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot (pub. December 2022)
- Expedition 390: South Atlantic Transect 1 (pub. October 2022)
- Expedition 392: Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate (pub. September 2022)
- Expedition 391: Walvis Ridge Hotspot (pub. May 2022)
- Expedition 395C: Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives (pub. February 2022)
- Expedition 396: Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications (pub. January 2022)
- Expedition 395E: Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems (pub. December 2021)
- Expedition 390C: South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems (pub. April 2021)
- Expedition 385: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere (pub. December 2020)
- Expedition 384: Engineering Testing (pub. December 2020)
- Expedition 385T: Panama Basin Crustal Architecture and Deep Biosphere: Revisiting Holes 504B and 896A (pub. November 2019)
- Expedition 383: Dynamics of Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current (DYNAPACC) (pub. October 2019)
- Expedition 382: Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics (pub. August 2019)
- Expedition 379: Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History (pub. May 2019)
- Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate (pub. April 2020)
- Expedition 368X: Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea) (pub. January 2019)
- Expedition 376: Brothers Arc Flux (pub. June 2019)
- Expedition 368: South China Sea Rifted Margin (pub. August 2018)
- Expedition 367: South China Sea Rifted Margin (pub. August 2018)
- Expedition 375: Hikurangi Subduction Margin Coring and Observatories (pub. July 2018)
- Expedition 374: Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History (pub. May 2018)
- Expedition 372: Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and Hikurangi LWD (pub. March 2018)
- Expedition 369: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics (pub. February 2018)
- Expedition 371: Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate (pub. January 2018)
- Expedition 366: Mariana Convergent Margin and South Chamorro Seamount (pub. November 2017)
- Expedition 363: Western Pacific Warm Pool (pub. February 2017)
- Expedition 362: Sumatra Seismogenic Zone (pub. June 2017)
- Expedition 361: South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile) (pub. May 2016)
- Expedition 360: Southwest Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho (pub. April 2016)
- Expedition 359: Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level (pub. March 2016)
- Expedition 356: Indonesian Throughflow (pub. January 2017)
- Expedition 355: Arabian Sea Monsoon: Deep sea drilling in the Arabian Sea: constraining tectonic-monsoon interactions in South Asia (pub. July 2015)
- Expedition 354: Bengal Fan: Neogene and late Paleogene record of Himalayan orogeny and climate: a transect across the Middle Bengal Fan (pub. May 2015)
- Expedition 353: Indian Monsoon Rainfall (pub. April 2015)
Implemented by the U.S. Implementing Organization (USIO)
- Expedition 352: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc: Testing subduction initiation and ophiolite models by drilling the outer Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc (pub. February 2015)
- Expedition 351: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: Continental crust formation at an intraoceanic arc: foundation, inception, and early evolution (pub. August 2015)
- Expedition 350: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc: The missing half of the subduction factory (pub. September 2014)
- Expedition 349: South China Sea tectonics: opening of the South China Sea and its implications for southeast Asian tectonics, climates, and deep mantle processes since the late Mesozoic (pub. May 2014)
Mission-Specific Platform Expeditions (ESO)
- Expedition 389: Hawaiian Drowned Reefs (pub. May 2024)
- Expedition 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology (pub. September 2023)
- Expedition 381: Corinth Active Rift Development (pub. February 2019)
- Expedition 364: Chicxulub: drilling the K-Pg impact crater (pub. February 2017)
- Expedition 357: Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life (pub. May 2016)
Chikyu Expeditions (MarE3)
- Expedition 358: NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4: Nankai Seismogenic/Slow Slip Megathrust (pub. October 2019)
- Expedition 380: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS) (pub. April 2018)
- Expedition 370: Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto (pub. January 2017)
- Expedition 365: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Shallow Megasplay Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS) (pub. October 2016)
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
ISSN: 1932-9423
Implemented by the U.S. Implementing Organization (USIO)
- Expedition 346: Asian Monsoon: Onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau uplift (pub. February 2014; revised September 2014)
- Expedition 345: Hess Deep Plutonic Crust: Exploring the plutonic crust at a fast-spreading ridge: new drilling at Hess Deep (pub. January 2014)
- Expedition 344: Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project, Program A Stage 2 (CRISP-A2): Sampling and quantifying lithologic inputs and fluid inputs and outputs of the seismogenic zone (pub. February 2013)
- Expedition 342: Paleogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts (pub. October 2012)
- Expedition 341: Southern Alaska Margin: Interactions of tectonics, climate, and sedimentation (pub. June 2014)
- Expedition 341S: Simple Cabled Instrument for Measuring Parameters In Situ (SCIMPI) and Hole 858G CORK replacement (pub. July 2013)
- Expedition 340: Lesser Antilles volcanism and landslides: Implications for hazard assessment and long-term magmatic evolution of the arc (pub. June 2012)
- Expedition 340T: Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex: Velocity, porosity, and impedance contrasts within the domal core of Atlantis Massif: faults and hydration of lithosphere during core complex evolution (pub. April 2012)
- Expedition 339: Mediterranean Outflow: Environmental significance of the Mediterranean Outflow Water and its global implications (pub. September 2012)
- Expedition 336: Mid-Atlantic Ridge microbiology: Initiation of long-term coupled microbiological, geochemical, and hydrological experimentation within the seafloor at North Pond, western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (pub. January 2012)
- Expedition 335: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4: Drilling gabbro in intact ocean crust formed at a superfast spreading rate (pub. July 2011)
- Expedition 334: Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP): Sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid output (pub. June 2011)
- Expedition 330: Louisville Seamount Trail: Implications for geodynamic mantle flow models and the geochemical evolution of primary hotspots (pub. April 2011)
- Expedition 329: South Pacific Gyre subseafloor life (pub. August 2011)
- Expedition 328: Cascadia subduction zone ACORK observatory (pub. November 2010)
- Expedition 327: Juan de Fuca Ridge-Flank Hydrogeology: The hydrogeologic architecture of basaltic oceanic crust: compartmentalization, anisotropy, microbiology, and crustal-scale properties on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge, eastern Pacific Ocean (pub. October 2010)
- Expedition 324: Testing plume and plate models of ocean plateau formation at Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean (pub. January 2010)
- Expedition 323: Bering Sea Paleoceanography: PliocenePleistocene paleoceanography and climate history of the Bering Sea (pub. February 2010)
- Expedition 321T: Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology Cementing Operations (pub. August 2009)
- Expedition 321: Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (pub. July 2009)
- Expedition 320: Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (pub. July 2009)
- Expedition 320T: USIO Sea Trials and Assessment of Readiness Transit (START): Ontong Java Plateau (pub. June 2009)
- Expedition 318: Wilkes Land Glacial History: Cenozoic East Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution from Wilkes Land margin sediments (pub. April 2010)
- Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin Sea Level: Global and local controls on continental margin stratigraphy (pub. February 2010)
- Expedition 312: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 3 (pub. April 2006)
- Expedition 311: Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrates (pub. December 2005)
- Expedition 309: Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 2 (pub. October 2005)
- Expedition 308: Gulf of Mexico Hydrogeology (pub. September 2005)
- Expedition 307: Modern Carbonate Mounds: Porcupine Drilling (pub. August 2005)
- Expedition 306: North Atlantic Climate 2 (pub. June 2005)
- Expedition 305: Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif 2 (pub. May 2005)
- Expedition 304: Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif 1 (pub. April 2005)
- Expedition 303: North Atlantic Climate 1 (pub. January 2005)
- Expedition 301T: Costa Rica Hydrogeology (pub. November 2004)
- Expedition 301: Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology (pub. November 2004)
Implemented by the European Science Operator (ESO)
- Expedition 347: Baltic Sea Basin Paleoenvironment: Paleoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea Basin through the last glacial cycle (pub. May 2014)
- Expedition 325: Great Barrier Reef environmental changes: The last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific: offshore drilling northeast Australia (pub. August 2010)
- Expedition 313: New Jersey Shallow Shelf (pub. January 2010)
- Expedition 310: Tahiti Sea Level (pub. May 2006)
- Expedition 302: Arctic Coring Expedition (pub. March 2005)
Implemented by Japan’s Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3)
- Expedition 348: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 3 (pub. August 2014)
- Expedition 343/343T: Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) (pub. October 2012)
- Expedition 338: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 2 (pub. March 2013)
- Expedition 337: Deep Coalbed Biosphere off Shimokita: Microbial processes and hydrocarbon system associated with deeply buried coalbed in the ocean (pub. November 2012)
- Expedition 333: NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Subduction inputs 2 and heat flow (pub. May 2011)
- Expedition 332: NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Riserless Observatory (pub. March 2011)
- Expedition 326: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Plate Boundary Deep Riser: Top Hole Engineering (pub. February 2011)
- Expedition 331: Deep Hot Biosphere (pub. December 2010)
- Expedition 322: NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs (pub. December 2009)
- Expedition 319: NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: NanTroSEIZE riser/riserless observatory (pub. November 2009)
- Expedition 316: NanTroSEIZE Shallow Megasplay and Frontal Thrusts (pub. April 2008)
- Expedition 315: NanTroSEIZE Megasplay Riser Pilot (pub. February 2008)
- Expedition 314: NanTroSEIZE LWD Transect (pub. February 2008)