IODP Expedition 312:
Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 3
Week 6 Report
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December 12, 2005
Reentry No. 8: After the
fishing magnet was deployed, a second fishing array was made up with a
9½ inch concave mill and two junk baskets affixed to a bottom-hole
assembly of 11 8¼ inch drill collars. The fishing array was deployed and
passed the reentry cone at 0020 hr on 5 December. After the formation took
weight at 1298 mbsf, the top drive was picked up and the drill string washed
ahead without incident to the bottom of the hole at 1372.8 mbsf. Milling
operations to grind up any metal debris remaining at the bottom of the hole
began at 0630 hr on 5 December and continued until 1230 hr. A 50 bbl
high-viscosity mud flush was circulated in between milling and working the junk
baskets to sweep small cuttings out of the hole. The drill string was recovered
at 2130 hr, and smaller fragments of cone and bearing material were removed
from the junk baskets. A circular impression in the center of the mill face corresponding
to the radius of a recovered cone indicated that the first magnet run did not
recover all of the metal debris at the bottom of the hole. The junk baskets
contained sand and basalt fragments that were sieved, sorted, and curated for
shipboard analysis. Metal fragments grading from small chunks to filings were
magnetically separated.
Reentry No. 9: The third
fishing array was made up of a 9½ inch concave mill and a single junk
basket affixed to a bottom-hole assembly of 11 8¼ inch drill collars. The
fishing array was deployed and entered the reentry cone at 0530 hr on 6
December. After the formation took weight at 1294 mbsf, the top drive was
picked up and the drill string washed ahead without incident to the bottom of
the hole at 1372.8 mbsf. Milling operations resumed at 1015 hr on 6 December
and continued until 1630 hr. At the end of milling, a 50 bbl high-viscosity mud
flush was circulated. The mud sweep was circulated out of the hole by
displacing the pipe with an amount of seawater equivalent to twice the volume
of the open hole. The drill string was recovered at 0200 hr and very small
pieces of cone and bearing material were removed from the junk basket. The
recovered material was again sieved, sorted, and curated for shipboard
Reentry No. 10: The
fourth and final fishing array was made up of a 9 inch Bowen fishing magnet and
two junk baskets affixed to the same bottom-hole assembly of 11 8¼ inch
drill collars.. The fishing array was deployed and entered the reentry cone at
0904 hr on 7 December. After the formation took weight at 1295 mbsf, the top
drive was picked up and the drill string washed ahead without incident to the
bottom of the hole. The magnet and junk baskets were worked at the bottom of
the hole from 1430 hr to 1530 hr on 7 December. The drill string was recovered
at 0003 hr on 8 December. Because the metal recovered in the magnet consisted
only of very fine metal filings with no solid fragments, the hole was
considered clean of cone debris.
Reentry No. 11: Hole
1256D was reentered with the sixth rotary bit of the expedition at 0754 hr on 8
December. After the formation took weight at 1294 mbsf, the top drive was
picked up and the hole was washed and reamed to bottom. Rotary coring in the
hole resumed at 1300 hr on 8 December and advanced with good hole conditions to
1398.6 mbsf by 0500 hr on 11 December. A 75 bbl high-viscosity mud flush of the
hole was circulated every 15 m of advance. There were two round trips of the
deplugger to insure that the bit throat was not obstructed with basaltic
fragments. The C9 bit was pulled free of the seafloor at 0820 hr on 11 December
and was recovered by 1346 hr. The sixth rotary bit used during Expedition 312
cored 25.8 m and recovered 1.39 m for an average recovery of 5.4%. The average
rate of penetration for the cored interval was 0.6 m/hr. The used C9 bit
exhibited uniform wear on the cones and was undergauge by 1/8 inch, both
details consistent with the rotating hours. There were chipped inserts on the
middle and gauge rows. There was no evidence of damage attributable to downhole
metal fragments.
Reentry No. 12: Hole
1256D was reentered with the seventh coring bit at 2146 hr on 11 December.
After the formation took weight at 1326 mbsf, the top drive was picked up and
the drill string washed ahead without incident to the bottom of the hole at
1398.6 mbsf. Rotary coring resumed in the hole at 0415 hr on 12 December.
Science Update
activities for much of the week returned several kilograms of rock material in
the junk baskets. This material, ranging in size from several centimeter basalt
fragments to fine crushed material was consolidated and preserved as Ghost Core
201G. Rock samples in the ghost core were predominantly of two types: (1)
tabular samples, commonly with sharp edges, bounded on one side by
iron-oxide-stained fracture surfaces and on the other by freshly broken,
slightly curved (almost conchoidal) fractures; and, (2) drill-rounded, equant
blocks bounded by pre-existing fracture surfaces with black (saponite?)
coatings. Type 1 fractured samples are actinolite-bearing, dense,
microcrystalline to fine-grained basalts that appear from their metamorphic
assemblages to have come from various levels within the sheeted dike section.
Type 2 blocky samples are from shallower depths, mostly within the lava
addition to the basaltic samples, leucocratic igneous samples are relatively
abundant (~1%) in the coarse-sand-size fraction of the junk basket material.
These samples are typically fine grained with a variety of primary,
intergranular textural types. They consist of quartz, highly altered feldspar,
and actinolitic hornblende, presumably replacing a primary mafic phase. They
display deformation lamellae, undulose extinction, and partial to complete
recrystallization, indicating intracrystalline strain. Samples of this type
have not been recovered in core samples at this site.
After the
hole was cleared, coring continued at Hole 1256D with low recoveries of aphyric
fine-grained to cryptocrystalline basalts, but with no clearly identifiable
dike margins. Although recovery is sparse, Unit 79 appears to be a continuation
of Unit 78. Unit 80 is defined by an abrupt grain size decrease in the core at
1373.2 mbsf.
Six new
samples from Units 79 and 80 and four samples from Core 201G were selected for
ICP-AES analysis. Additionally, three samples were selected from Expedition 309
cores at locations of pre-existing ICP-AES analyses for a quality-control
Data for
the first 18 dike samples indicate that Unit 77 dikes are among the most
primitive rocks recovered from Hole 1256D thus far, having Mg#s of 61.2 and
61.1. This unit is also distinguished by having high Zr/Y (~3.4). Variable Zr/Y
ratios found in the Hole 1256D samples, relative to a given MgO wt. %, suggest
a heterogeneous mantle source. Other geochemical trends in major and trace
elements appear to be largely controlled by fractional crystallization. The
Hole 1256D rocks have compositions that are comparable to present-day mid-ocean
ridge basalts forming along the northern East Pacific Rise (EPR) in the
location predicted for formation of the Hole 1256D crust ~15 million years ago
(~9°N). Both the Hole 1256D and northern EPR rocks are more fractionated than
those sampled during drilling at Hole 504B near the Galapagos Spreading Center.
All the
basalt samples recovered during Expedition 312 have a metamorphic overprint,
and both alteration intensity and metamorphic grade continue to increase
downhole. Most of the basalts are moderately to highly altered with the patchy
development of cm-scale dark green-gray amphibole-rich zones, and common veins
filled with mixtures of actinolite, pyrite, quartz, and/or chlorite. Many of
these veins have highly recrystallized dark green to light gray alteration
halos as large as 10 mm wide. Late-stage, cross-cutting laumontite veins are
also common. In thin section, significant proportions of these basalts are
thoroughly recrystallized both texturally and mineralogically to
microcrystalline, granular aggregates of secondary clinopyroxene,
orthopyroxene, Mg-hornblende, calcic plagioclase, and subrounded blebs of
magnetite and ilmenite. Where first encountered (~1340 mbsf), this secondary
assemblage partially mimics the original igneous texture. Deeper in the hole, the equigranular
texture is more intensely developed and the primary igneous fabric more
difficult to discern suggesting there has been significant reheating of these
1367.5 through 1377.3 mbsf, 2 alteration patches, 10 fractures, 19 veins, and a
prominent shear vein were described. Oriented pieces contain the shear vein and
a steeply-dipping fault with normal-sense striae and slickenfibers. Populations
of fractures, veins, and intrusive contacts each have preferred orientations.
Veins are subparallel to intrusive contacts, and both are steeply dipping
whereas fractures are more shallowly dipping. Fractures tend to have
orientations similar to those of features tentatively identified as fractures
in the logging data from Expedition 309. Further exploration of the logging
data from Expedition 309 found that one interval containing a dike-margin
breccia is imaged in both FMS and UBI images.
Trends in
physical properties continued downhole. Porosity of mincubes is <1%, bulk
density is 2.90-2.95 gm/cc, and P-wave velocity is 5.5-5.8 km/s. Thermal conductivity
values remain in the range of 2.2-2.4 W/mK. Bulk density from gamma ray
attenuation continues to increase downhole, reaching 3.0-3.2 gm/cc. Magnetic
susceptibility also continues to increase, reaching 14,000 SI units in Core
202. P-wave
velocity of six samples from 1237-1255 mbsf initially measured on Expedition
309 were remeasured, revealing an average offset of 0.42 km/s to lower
velocities on Expedition 312. This difference is likely due to recalibration
done at the start of Expedition 312. An offset to lower bulk density from gamma
ray attenuation also occurred at the top of Expedition 312 sampling, but
remains unexplained.
efforts for the week have focused on testing whether a 10 cm fragment of the
outer borehole wall recovered in the second junk basket shows drilling
overprint comparable to the material conventionally recovered in the core
barrel. Preliminary results suggest a moderate overprint is present, but it
appears more easily demagnetized than in normal cores.
oriented pieces with lengths from 80 to 210 mm (average = 146 mm) from Core 202
were scanned with the DMT core scanner. A few distinctive veins and fractures
in the oriented pieces are promising and may allow reorientation of the pieces
when compared with FMS and UBI logs.
Technical Support Activities
have been enough samples selected from the cores to keep the thin section and
chemistry laboratories active. The hazardous chemicals we are keeping are being
isolated for eventual return to TAMU. The shipıs welder has added lengths of
chain inside the lab doors to secure them when the ship moves to Security Level
3. Lab water temperatures were adjusted down to normal standards.
HSE: The weekly fire drill began at
10:30 a.m. and turned into a chemical spill drill for the METs team. This drill
was staged on the mezzanine where the product was identified, neutralized, and
cleaned up. A briefing was presented to the shipıs emergency response team. The
JOIDES Resolution
was brought to Security Level 2. Technical staff members were involved with
searching spaces in the lab stack for a "suspicious package." The Captain
briefed the technical staff, and search areas were assigned. An unfamiliar
package was eventually found on the Main Deck behind a ³never closed² door. The
ship then went to Security Level 3; only those directly contacted by the Bridge
officers were involved. The drill was concluded at about noon.