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Expedition 341S Citations*

IODP Publications

Scientific Prospectus

Kulin, I., Riedel, M., and Klaus, A., 2013. Simple Cabled Instrument for Measuring Parameters In situ (SCIMPI) and Hole 858G CORK replacement. IODP Sci. Prosp., 341S. doi:10.2204/​iodp.sp.341S.2013

Preliminary Report

Expedition 341S Scientists and Engineers, 2013. Simple Cabled Instrument for Measuring Parameters In Situ (SCIMPI) and Hole 858G CORK replacement. IODP Prel. Rept., 341S. doi:10.2204/​

Scientific Drilling journal

Lado-Insua, T., Moran, K., Kulin, I., Farrington, S., and Newman, J.B., 2013. SCIMPI: a new borehole observatory. Scientific Drilling, 16:57–61.​10.5194/​sd-16-57-2013


None provided.


None provided.


American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2013

Lado Insua, T., Moran, K., Kulin, I., Farrington, S., Newman, J.B., Riedel, M., Iturrino, G.J., Masterson, W.A., Furman, C.R., Klaus, A., Storms, M., Attryde, J., Hetmaniak, C., and Huey, D., 2013. The successful deployment of a new sub-seafloor observatory [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract B33K-0615)​meetings/​2013/​FM/​B33K-0615.html

AGU Fall Meeting 2014

Lado Insua, T., Moran, K., Kulin, I., Farrington, S., Newman, J.B., Riedel, M., Scherwath, M., Heesemann, M., Pirenne, B., Iturrino, G.J., Masterson, W., and Furman, C., 2014. One year of data of SCIMPI borehole measurements [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract OS52B-06)​meetings/​2014/​FM/​OS52B-06.html

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